The same basic rules for forums as stated here still apply to this forum. Here are a few more things we, the moderating team, feel need to be acknowledged when posting in Books.

  • As always, be sure to use the search bar at the top of the forums to see if there's already a thread on what you intend on posting.
  • When posting a topic on a particular book, be sure to include a summary. Summaries for books can be found at and
  • Only moderators are allowed to create a new version of "Currently Reading / Reading Lists" thread.
  • DO NOT respond to book topics with the following:
    "I haven't even heard of it."
    "What's it about?"
    "Nope, didn't read it."
  • Please write complete sentences about your opinion and what you think of the book.
Thank you. Moderators - feel free to edit this as you wish.