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my profile just started doing this;;
my friends && comment are below everything!

how do i fix this?!
well i put a scroll box code so it fixed it but the thing is... i dont want a scroll box;; help!!

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</style><div style="position:center center;right:0px;top:0px;width:88px;height:31px;"><a href="">OH ILYSSA LAYOUTS</a></div>

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<b><font size="+1">Becky --</font></b><br />
<font size="+1">[adjective]:</font><br /><br />Visually addictive.
<br /><br />
<br><font size="4">me.</font></b>


<br><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>

<br><font size="4">..&&.YEAH.iM.BECKY..</font></b>


<font size="1"><b>i'm Becky. i'm fun</b>

<br><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"></a>


<br> So here's the deal;;;;;
<br> My name is Becky && I am sweet 16 && a junior at Reavis!!!go JUNIORS!!!
<br> my school is a love/hate relationship
<br> i take pictures of myself when im bored;;; i dont even like half of them... but hey its amusing &hearts;
<br> I love my main girls are as follows
<br> Miss. Brianna;;
MIss. Tanya;;
&& Miss. Alysse
<br> dont get me wrong... i love all of my other girls && guys but these girls mean the world to me

<br> iim in cheerleading && im in love with it

<br> Varsity football season!! ahhh i cant wait till the first game!!!!&&varsity Basketball season is going to be awesome! we are ganna rock competition!!!

<br>I love partying && drinking with friends && just hanging out && having fun
<br> i love pictures && art is my passion;; i draw a lot



</pyp type="layout-normal"><marquee behavior=alternate>Aubrey O'Day is so fucken gorgeous!</marquee><br><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting">
<br> holla atcha girl: beckysayys
then i put this code which made my comments into a scroll box
its in my who i'd like to meet section

<div style="height:200px;width:px;overflow:auto"> <table><tr><td><table><tr><td>

but you see;; i dont want a scroll box for my comment but if i dont have it my top eight appears && my comments are below my "schools" along with my top four

Don't double post. Use the edit button.
But what was the last code you put in before the scrollbar one?
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