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Forums _ Writing _ Plague

Posted by: Ekay Oct 11 2009, 06:32 PM

Thoughts plague my mind like sickness plagues a body. Empty one sided conversations leave me thinking thoughts that shouldn’t be thunk. But think them I did. And let my imagination run wild I did. But should thoughts without actions be condemned? No, obviously not; however, the insult of such thoughts stings the same as a slap on the face. And I can’t even begin to imagine what would happen if my body acted out these thoughts of infidelity. Trust would be shattered but does it matter? Yes, obviously so; because lies would slip off the tongue as readily as green means go. And I don’t want to be that type of man and already I can hear my mind say the simplest solution “then don’t.” But the temptation of the body coupled with the crippled thoughts of the mind creates a hailstorm of confusion. I – am physically capable yet mentally unstable. These are the thoughts that plague my mind. What – are yours?

Posted by: Paladin Dec 15 2009, 02:28 AM

A couple months late but I wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your poem.
Keep writing.

Posted by: Paladin Dec 15 2009, 02:36 AM

Thoughts that I haven’t and will not live up to my potential plague my mind.
Thoughts that I have lost my ability to love and feel cut beneath my spine.
Thoughts that I will wallow in self sorrow tear against my soul.
Thoughts that this terrible plague will come and go renew me with new hope.