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Forums _ Showcase Booth _ Advice First Time...

Posted by: Wintermood Aug 27 2008, 01:03 PM

Should I? How can I? TY!

Posted by: libertie Aug 27 2008, 01:22 PM

You mean how can you achieve something like that? It looks like for the most part it's a fairly common design, you could achieve something similar with shapes and brushes in photoshop, depending on what sort of image you're using.

Posted by: Wintermood Aug 27 2008, 01:30 PM

Thats the first time I have put something together, still learning. Just wanted to no If that would make a cute div or would the graphic be to plain with no brushes?

Posted by: schizo Aug 27 2008, 03:55 PM

Moved to Showcase Booth.

It's definately not bad for a first try. I'm not a fan of the font or the edges of the top image, though.

Posted by: Wintermood Aug 27 2008, 05:01 PM

Thanks for the input from everyone that has responded, I have a long way to go with this but I will get there! Thanks ;-)

Posted by: karmakiller Aug 27 2008, 05:54 PM

I wish it were a bit bigger. I'm not liking the rectangle content area and the font that you've used. I think that you should get rid of the text all together. Also, the brush you used to outline the image kinda looks like a brush that comes default with the program.

Posted by: shakeene Sep 1 2008, 03:20 PM

pertty nice.

but theres something about it...
...i just dunno

Posted by: libertie Sep 1 2008, 03:39 PM

Oh I see, so you did that, then! I was confused and thought you were asking how to do that. =]

You mean you're thinking about making it into a layout?

Posted by: Insurmountable Sep 2 2008, 12:11 AM

Well for your first, its not bad. It looks like you took someone else's work and took a erase as a brush and removed the sides. Then just added the shape under it.

For one, make sure the image isn't copyrighted if you didn't make it. That could be a issue, as for making it a layout, sure I think it has potential.

What are you making it for, myspace, xanga, website, etc?