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Forums _ Relationships _ So my mother is forcing diet pills own my throat

Posted by: xxmisxtakexx Jan 29 2007, 12:56 AM

I'm not skinny. I don't care. I'm healthy. But since I don't fit into a zero she is making me take like 37757599.9 different pills.

How can I stop her?

Posted by: KissMe2408 Jan 29 2007, 06:06 PM

Diet pills can be really unhealthy for you, especially if you are taking more then one brand at the same time. Go online and look up the bad effects of diet pills, and what i can do to your liver and such. If she wants you to loose weight then she should just keep healthier foods in the house or something and encourage you to exercise. Still, your mother shouldn't force you to take anything, and she shouldn't scream at you about your weight either, unless you are dying from it or something. gr. she makes me angry, ah well.
Seriously, look up how bad diet pills can be for you through google or something,
and present her the information, and then ask her to either think of a different solution
[as in buying healthier food] or just to leave you alone.


[this can probably be in relationships or health,
but since the question is more on how to get the mother to stop,
then the diet pills, i moved it to relationships]

Posted by: ashopely Jan 29 2007, 07:47 PM

if that's you in your signature, you are not fat. i mean, i know you said you aren't, but still. your mother should love how you naturally are. you're her blood... _unsure.gif but the above advice is great. hope things work out.

Posted by: xMyStIcShAd0wSx Jan 29 2007, 09:08 PM

Hid the pills when she gives them to you. Or if she watches you as you swallow them, put the pill in your mouth and put it in the space between your side teeth and the cheek. Then swallow some water and becareful to not let the pill go down.

Some pills do different things to the body and some counteract with each other if you take them at the same time and some react with a bad effect if taken together.

You should just choose one and take it for a while and if that doesn't work, stop for a week and start a new kind.

I'm not a size 0 either. (I don't think I have ever been a size 0 even if i was a baby. ) Sometimes mothers aren't right. Go with your guts.

Posted by: a painefull euphoria Jan 29 2007, 09:09 PM

What shes doing is abusive and you could report her to an authority because shes giving you drugs that wasnt perscribed to you nor are they needed to be givin to you becasue according to you sig...YOU ARE TINY.

i say this becasue im assuming you are under 18 and it its illegal to administer or buy diet pills.
like ones like trim spa and hydoxycut

however pills for water retainment are legal to give to minors.
I dont know im jsut giving you a idea of how much danger yourmother is putting you in and how she herself is putting herself is in trouble.

Posted by: fallingstar Jan 29 2007, 09:11 PM

Ew, call the police. Your mom shouldn't be doing this to you.

Posted by: catastrophic Jan 29 2007, 11:09 PM

That's not right. The best and most effective way to 'lose weight', regardless of whether you're fat or not is to exercise and eat right. Not by some sort of weird medication that has awful side effects. You really need to tell her to stop this and that you're super serious about this.

Posted by: Danger Rose Jan 29 2007, 11:16 PM

i'ma just keep it real, that's real pathetic!

Posted by: Endless_Symphony Jan 29 2007, 11:26 PM

^that offered nothing to her problem.

if you really don't want to take the pills, tell her so. have a long talk with her about what you think and feel. sometimes, a deep conversation works. if she continues to force you to take the pills, just absolutely refuse. throw them on the floor/in her face or just walk away.

it's your body and your life. your mom has no right to force you to take medication that can be potentially dangerous.

Posted by: JakeKKing Jan 30 2007, 12:21 AM

Well, technically if it's going to cause you harm in the long run, can't you get the police on her ass? haha. Get a court order or something and make her go to therapy. Haha.

Posted by: xxmisxtakexx Jan 30 2007, 09:05 PM

QUOTE(a painefull euphoria @ Jan 29 2007, 7:09 PM) *
shes giving you drugs that wasnt perscribed to you nor are they needed to be givin to you becasue according to you sig...YOU ARE TINY.

QUOTE(ashopely @ Jan 29 2007, 5:47 PM) *
if that's you in your signature, you are not fat.

ha ha ha. thanks for the complements you guys. It means alot. And yeah that's me in my sig :]

Well i shall take your guys advice. Thanks.

Posted by: annonymous. Jan 30 2007, 09:09 PM

QUOTE(Danger Rose @ Jan 29 2007, 8:16 PM) *
i'ma just keep it real, that's real pathetic!

What does that have to do with anything?

Dude, she should love you how you are. You should tell her to stop, and if she won't, talk to your guidance counselor. She shouldn't be doing that. -_- You also don't seem fat at all in your picture. o_o

Posted by: xxmisxtakexx Jan 30 2007, 09:16 PM

I do love they way I am. I am the greatest person I know. [I love me] Awe. Hug :]

ha ha ha I'm so dumb.
I think it's just because she used to be thin when she was young. Like a 0 thin but now that she's 40 she is alot heavier. Like 250 lbs heavy. I think she is just trying to make sure I'm not fat when I'm older.


Posted by: showme Jan 30 2007, 09:18 PM

your mom loves you and doesn't want you to be a fatass. skinny is normal normal is fat fat is huge

Posted by: iROCKYOURSOCKS Jan 31 2007, 12:25 AM

well i would have just gotten all those diet pills of your dear mother and would have thrown them on the ground and stepped on them and then thrown them down the sink in the garbage disposal. Your mom doesnt realize how dangerous it is to be giving you so many diet pills so she needs to go and find out what these pills do to your body and if she doesnt care then just call the police because what she is doing is illegal.

Posted by: Podomaht Jan 31 2007, 12:38 AM

Mother always knows best.

Posted by: My Cinderella. Jan 31 2007, 12:50 AM

That's horrible. You don't look fat at all. sad.gif I think you should just talk to her about it. They can be awfully unhealthy for you. What does your family think about what's going on?

Posted by: xxmisxtakexx Feb 1 2007, 12:58 AM

They don't care. They are actually supporting her.


Posted by: a painefull euphoria Feb 1 2007, 06:53 AM

^wow thats really twisted. giving you diet pills now wont prevent you from being fat later on in the future

Posted by: icy_wonderland Feb 1 2007, 07:37 AM

QUOTE(fallingstar @ Jan 30 2007, 10:11 AM) *
Ew, call the police. Your mom shouldn't be doing this to you.

I agree.