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Forums _ Music _ Any Gymnists? For Real? That may help me out?

Posted by: Caucasian Asians Jun 5 2005, 07:27 PM

Yeah, if you are a gymnist than you would know what an elbow lever, planche, and iron cross is... So if you know any of those than you probably are a gymnist or just searched online...
Well right now I am working on the elbow lever and planche... Anybody have anything to contribute to my learnings? I don't really expect an answer considering this is America and America is not physically educated...

Thanks, Cody

Posted by: yOUCANtSEEmE Jul 8 2005, 01:27 AM

its sad that your a gymnast and cant even spell it right.

im a former gymnast but uh i dont really think anyone could help you over the computer.

there are coaches for a reason.

Posted by: orangepaper Jul 14 2005, 03:08 PM

Cody - first you have to specify what kind of gymnast you are. Then, you have to be willing to learn (which I don't think you are, considering how you basically said no one can help you at the same time you're asking for help).

Anyway, I was a gymnast for a long time, trained with Bela Karyoli. However I don't know anything about guy's gymnastics - it's very different.

Good luck, though.

Posted by: Endless_Love <3 Oct 19 2005, 07:15 PM

well i don't know that much about guys gymnastics but it would help if u actually explained what your problem is, not just the skill that you are working on

Posted by: SHORTxSWEET Dec 4 2005, 10:01 PM

im a gymnast but yeah i have no clue what you are talking about

Posted by: jooleeah Dec 5 2005, 08:21 PM

QUOTE(yOUCANtSEEmE @ Jul 8 2005, 1:27 AM)
its sad that your a gymnast and cant even spell it right.

im a former gymnast but uh i dont really think anyone could help you over the computer.

there are coaches for a reason.

lets not be rude about this ;]

Sorry, I can't help you much. Maybe you can find your help on random searches on google?