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Forums _ Graphics Help Resolved Topics _ icons...

Posted by: B1onde_1ns1de Dec 3 2004, 06:54 PM

for people that make icons what do u make them on? well besides animation shop..or is there a way to download that for free??..thanx

Posted by: electric shock Dec 4 2004, 01:33 AM

i use regular ms. paint
i dont make animated icons, though.
just ones that dont move. . . .
*Check out my icon on my cb thingy* *Cough*
you can download psp9 / psp8 or adobe for a free days trial.
then you have to pay for it.

Posted by: barelyy_coherent Dec 4 2004, 01:38 AM

You can download Adobe Photoshop and Imageready; Photoshop helps make beautiful images and Imageready makes them beautiful animations =)

I wouldn't recommend MS Paint unless you really know what you're doing. Not that it's a hard program to use, it's just that if you use it in a crappy way, people can tell. Really, they can.

Posted by: tofumonzter Dec 4 2004, 01:31 PM

do u mean the icon for the icon on desktop or the avatar? i guess you are talking about the avatar.. .so this should be moved.

topic moved.... to webdesign chat

Posted by: Cake. Dec 4 2004, 05:34 PM

Adobe Photoshop _smile.gif
And I know how to make it with animation, but it's too hard for me _dry.gif

Posted by: sweetxsimplicity Dec 4 2004, 06:40 PM

You can download a trial version of Animation Shop at =]

Posted by: sweetdreamsx3 Dec 4 2004, 08:04 PM


Posted by: xHo0diex9x Dec 4 2004, 09:23 PM

I use coffeecup... i dont know where i found it though.

Posted by: toyo loco Dec 4 2004, 11:11 PM

i use photoshop & imageready
or sumtimes photoshop elements biggrin.gif

Posted by: C.Lime.Jello. Dec 5 2004, 02:56 PM

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Coffeecup.... Isn't all that good.
At downloads, you can find Imageready and Animation Shop.
I think there's also a few more animators at downlosds.

Posted by: acidbreeze Dec 12 2004, 01:11 PM

The Gimp is an opensource image editor..
But I personally use Photoshop and MS Paint.
And Ulead GIF Animator for the animating part.