Hi Guys,

just designed a Myspace Layout for my Band and start slicing and coding it. It went out well but there are a few issues.

See the Layout on my Testpage: http://www.myspace.com/catchyoubyeight

My Problem ist that the GAP between Player and Shows is to big. The Shows Section is 200px to deep and doestn align to the header.

The Code i used to position the Player is:

object { position:absolute; left:50%; top:1339px; margin-left:-18px;z-index:2 !important; visibility:visible !important; }
table table table object { position:static; margin-left:0px; }

The Code i used to create the GAP for the whole header is:

body table {
margin-top: 2330px;
color: ffffff;

Maybe somebody can help me? Write if u need more code examples from me!

Thanks and Greetings from Germany!

Flo //twelveinchninja


just tested a bit. changing the value for the header gap from 2330px (the real needed space) to 2150px fixes the problem. but im just wondering if there is a more elegant way for fixing the problem!?