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admin. please tell me waht's wrong with this code.

i got this layout from this website.

oh please help me admin. :))

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
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- <![CDATA[ /*

<title><so much way better than five star! :))></title>

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<img style="position:absolute; left: 157; top: 0;"  border="0" src="">

<div style="position:absolute; top:200; left:360; width:420; overflow:auto; height:%; padding:3px; background-color: none;">
<p align=justify>
<p class=head><kaecee.></p>
<p class=head2><him. more than anything in the world.></p><br>
<center><img SRC=""></center>

<div style="position:absolute; top:200; left:170; width:175; overflow:auto; height:%; padding:3px;">

<p class=head3>me.myself</p>
<img src="¤t=11812294372459-2.gif" align="center">
<p align=justify>
<i>•</i> 16 years old. super sweet 16.
<i>•</i> I believe in God eventhough I don't go to mass daily.
<i>•</i> I ♥LOVE♥ <font color=pink> pink</font>
<i>•</i> I'm addicted to <i>that 70's show.</i>
<i>•</i> I love to sing. argh. not good at it. :((
<i>•</i> I love movies so much.
<i>•</i> I'm dramatically outspoken sometimes. but not everyone hates it.
<i>•</i> I'm a huge fan of <b> chirs pine.</b>
<i>•</i> I'm a party freak. and i party lie a rockstar.
<i>•</i> I hate <b>backstabbers!</b>
<i>•</i> I'm a bit cocky sometimes. beware.
<i>•</i> I love choc'lates.
<i>•</i> I wish I had blue eyes. :((
<i>•</i> I'm a very emotional person. & i fall inlove easily.
<i>•</i> I want to go to paris someday.
<i>•</i> I love surfing the net. and i started dealing with HTML when i was in first yr. high school. Photoshop. Though i'm not good at it, i still have the eager to learn and to do something with it.
I'm currently using an online photoshop. yup, it sucks. :))
<i>•</i> small things makes me happy.
<i>•</i> I want him. more than anything in the world. :))
<i>•</i> I would die without rootbeer! ♥
<p align=center>contact >> <a href="">♥ me ♥</a></p>

<p class=head3></p>
<li type=square> the great escape-boys like girls
<li type=square> the takeover:breaks over-fob
<li type=square> dont matter-akon
<li type=square> holiday-boys like girls
<li type=square> umbrella-rihanna
<li type=square> how do i breathe-mario
<li type=square> shut up and drive-rihanna
<li type=square> i'm a flirt- rkelly
<li type=square> burn-usher
<li type=square> do you know-enrique inglesias

<p class=head3>my.mood</p>
<img src="" border="0">
<p class=head3>my.expressions</p>
<img src="" border="0">
<p class=head3>my.visits</p>
<a href="">multiply ♥</a><br>
<a href="">fster ♥</a><br>
<a href="">mySpace ♥</a><br><BR>

<p class=head3>my.addictions</p>
<li type=square> starbucks. coffee jelly.
<li type=square> dairy queen.
<li type=square> movies.
<li type=square> g4. glorietta. gb3. :)
<li type=square> <i>him</i>
<li type=square> boys like girls. quite obvious.
<li type=square> ice monster.
<li type=square> havaianas. :)

<p class=head3>my.gossip</p>
<p align=justify>
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- <span>
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- <div id="header-inner">
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- <span>
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- <dd class="comment-footer collapseable">
- <span class="comment-author">
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  < />
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- <div class="post hentry">
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- <h3 class="post-title entry-title">
- <b:if cond="">
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- <b:if cond="data:post.url">
- <a expr:href="data:post.url" shape="rect">
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  <data:post.title />
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- <div class="post-body entry-content">
- <p>
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- <!--  clear for photos floats
- <div class="post-footer">
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- <b:if cond="data:post.url">
- <a class="timestamp-link" expr:href="data:post.url" rel="bookmark" title="permanent link" shape="rect">
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- <p class="post-footer-line post-footer-line-2">
- <span class="post-icons">
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- <!--  quickedit pencil
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- <span expr:class=""item-control " + data:comment.adminClass">
- <a expr:href="data:comment.deleteUrl" expr:title="data:top.deleteCommentMsg" shape="rect">
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- <div class="status-msg-body">
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- <div class="status-msg-bg">
- <div class="status-msg-hidden">
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- <b:if cond="data:post.allowComments">
- <b:if cond="data:post.feedLinks">
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- <b:includable id="backlinkDeleteIcon" var="backlink">
- <span expr:class=""item-control " + data:backlink.adminClass">
- <a expr:href="data:backlink.deleteUrl" expr:title="data:top.deleteBacklinkMsg" shape="rect">
  <span class="delete-comment-icon"> </span>
- <b:includable id="feedLinksBody" var="links">
- <div class="feed-links">
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- <b:loop values="data:links" var="f">
- <a class="feed-link" expr:href="data:f.url" expr:type="data:f.mimeType" target="_blank" shape="rect">
  < />
  <data:f.feedType />
- <b:includable id="postQuickEdit" var="post">
- <b:if cond="data:post.editUrl">
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  <span class="quick-edit-icon"> </span>
- <b:includable id="comments" var="post">
- <div class="comments" id="comments">
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- <b:if cond="data:post.allowComments">
- <h4>
- <b:if cond="data:post.numComments == 1">
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- <dl id="comments-block">
- <b:loop values="data:post.comments" var="comment">
- <dt class="comment-author" expr:id=""comment-" +">
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- <b:if cond="data:comment.authorUrl">
- <a expr:href="data:comment.authorUrl" rel="nofollow" shape="rect">
  < />
  <b:else />
  < />
  <data:commentPostedByMsg />
- <dd class="comment-body">
- <b:if cond="data:comment.isDeleted">
- <span class="deleted-comment">
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- <p>
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- <dd class="comment-footer">
- <span class="comment-timestamp">
- <a expr:href=""#comment-" +" title="comment permalink" shape="rect">
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- <p class="comment-footer">
- <a expr:href="data:post.addCommentUrl" expr:onclick="data:post.addCommentOnclick" shape="rect">
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- <div id="backlinks-container">
- <div expr:id="data:widget.instanceId + "_backlinks-container"">
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- <!--  posts
- <div class="blog-posts hfeed">
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- <b:loop values="data:posts" var="post">
- <b:if cond="data:post.dateHeader">
- <h2 class="date-header">
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- <b:if cond="data:blog.pageType == "item"">
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- <!--  navigation
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- <!--  feed links
  <b:include name="feedLinks" />
- <div id="sidebar-wrapper">
- <b:section class="sidebar" id="sidebar" preferred="yes">
- <b:widget id="Text1" locked="false" title="<i>kaecee. no other. :)</i>" type="Text">
- <b:includable id="main">
- <!--  only display title if it's non-empty
- <b:if cond="data:title != """>
- <h2 class="title">
  <data:title />
- <div class="widget-content">
  <data:content />
  <b:include name="quickedit" />
- <b:widget id="Text3" locked="false" title="MY MOOD." type="Text">
- <b:includable id="main">
- <!--  only display title if it's non-empty
- <b:if cond="data:title != """>
- <h2 class="title">
  <data:title />
- <div class="widget-content">
  <data:content />
  <b:include name="quickedit" />
- <b:widget id="Text2" locked="false" title="MY ADDICTiON" type="Text">
- <b:includable id="main">
- <!--  only display title if it's non-empty
- <b:if cond="data:title != """>
- <h2 class="title">
  <data:title />
- <div class="widget-content">
  <data:content />
  <b:include name="quickedit" />
- <!--  spacer for skins that want sidebar and main to be the same height
  <div class="clear"> </div>
- <!--  end content-wrapper
- <div id="footer-wrapper">
  <b:section class="footer" id="footer" />
- <!--  end outer-wrapper

i tried everything i could but it wasn't good enough.

hope you'll help me with it.

It won't work. :((
delete this:
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
  <!DOCTYPE html (View Source for full doctype...)>
- <html xmlns="" xmlns:b="" xmlns:data="" xmlns:expr="">
- <head>
  <b:include data="blog" name="all-head-content" />
- <title>
  <data:blog.pageTitle />
- <b:skin>
- <![CDATA[ /*
admin. geee. thanks for the reply. but I tried again the code but it still won't work. it was saying something about the title. then when I removed the title, it's still not working. Anyway, here's the reply of the said error..

Your template could not be parsed as it is not well-formed. Please make sure all XML elements are closed properly.
XML error message: The element type "body" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "".

I can't put </body> on the code because it might lead to more confusion.
you put </body> at the end of your code.
Go to the templates tab, and click on Edit HTML. Scroll to the bottom and click on the button that says "Revert to Classic Template"; choose OK to revert. THEN, post your original code into the entry box and save.
Topic Closed by request
PM me if you want this reopened
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